Welcome, Foolish Mortals,

To another installment of whatever the hell this thing is. I know it’s been a while, but hey-as Madame Leota says, So I’m returning to this…thing and rewatching one of my favorite Disney movies, which also happens to be my favorite Disney ride-the Haunted Mansion. There are many reasons I’ve always had a soft spot…

Edna Mode is My Ideal Fairy Godmother.

Trust me-I’m going somewhere with this in the latest installment of “whatever the hell this thing is: Incredibles edition”. As we go into 2022, I think most of us are torn between having great expectations and hopes and just wanting to push through and see what happens. As for me, I can relate to one…

The Nightmare Before Monday

It’s officially spooky season, and you know what that means-it’s time to turn this thing into the untitled Tim Burton Movie Rewatch project, naturally. It’s not officially October until I watch this movie, which has been almost an integral part of my life at this point. Every Halloween, every October, for as long as I…

Welcome Back/Welcome/I Apologize in Advance

Hello, and welcome back to another installment of-whatever the hell this thing is. I’ve covered Disney movies, books, some really mildly depressing excerpts from the book I have severely neglected as of late. And here I am, feeling-well, I’m not sure what I’m feeling but I guess if I could sum it up with one…

A Brave New World

This week’s installment of Untitled Disney Rewatch Project is brought to you by archery, haggis, bears and stunning visuals. That’s right-this post is dedicated to perhaps the most underrated Disney Princess movie-the stunningly beautifully animated Brave. The premise of the movie is kind of reminiscent of the second Princess Diaries movie-where the girl has to…

The Human World…It’s (Still) a Mess.

Hello, thank you for coming to this week’s installment of Untitled Disney Rewatch Project. Again, if you have any possible name suggestions I am completely open to hear them out because obviously this one just isn’t catchy enough. As promised in an earlier post, it’s time we take a good hard look at the one…

…I Hope They Don’t See Right Through Me

Let’s get down to business to defeat-racism, the patriarchy and Covid-19. Based on the updated opening line, I’m sure you can tell which Disney movie we are exploring this week. If you guessed Mulan, you are correct. I remember this being one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid and Mulan being my favorite…

Becoming (Un)Tangled

Oh, hello-I didn’t see you there.  Welcome to another exciting installment of Walt Disney Girl (again, I am accepting titles for this thing), where I watch Disney movies I haven’t seen in 10-20 years and see how my perspective on them has changed in adulthood.  Again, any alternate title suggestions are welcome in the comments…

Down the Rabbit Hole (Again)

Have you ever wondered what the hell is going on or where in the world you’re going in life? Well you’re definitely not alone, and even better have I got the movie for you. That’s right, it’s another installment of “The Untitled Disney Project-non-Princess edition”. That’s right, I’m coloring outside the lines now. However I…

If The Shoe Fits…

Is there anything in your life-whether it’s a movie or a book or a place-that when you’re younger you don’t have a taste for but as an adult you actually really enjoy and relate to it? For me, I recently discovered a film I despised as a kid and teenager I actually really enjoy and…