I’d say April 25…

I know it’s been a hot minute, like one of Dante’s circles of hell-level hot minute, since I’ve posted here. Partly because the things I’ve had going on weren’t really ones I want to share, because they’re things I didn’t really want to go through to begin with. Grief, loss, debt, uncertainty, pain. The usual…

It’s such a simple thing, really.

Beautiful, amazing, perfectly imperfect. All simple things are, in the end. The sound of the keys as words go from mind to page, the little pauses as storylines grow, tangle and unravel sentence by sentence. It’s love, it’s beauty, it’s simplicity. It’s mine, it’s yours, it’s ours.Falling in love with writing all over again is…

Of All the Gin Joints…

Hello, and welcome to this week’s installment of “Untitled Anxiety-Induced Writing Project”, where I go through the American Institute of Film’s 2008 “100 Years…100 Films” list and write a little about the movie, how it relates to life, provide a few interesting facts about said film, and, most importantly, weave in a few applicable reaction…

Take the Cannoli.

The latest installment of “Untitled Anxiety-Induced Writing Project”, where I analyze the number two film on the AFI 2008 “100 Years…100 movies” list-The Godfather.

Life is…well, life.

Oh hey, long time no see. Since the last time I logged into this space, I’ve undergone more change than I can recall ever experiencing in my life-some good, some not so good. So I guess you could say I’ve just been experiencing, well-life. The only constant in life is things tend to constantly change,…

Distraction project for the day:

Which quote catches your eye the most? I would love to see what everyone’s thoughts are in the comments below (on the quotes or really anything-I am in major need of distractions for a bit). Each of these projects is close to my heart; like me, they’re all works in progress. “The Space Between” and…

Welcome, Foolish Mortals,

To another installment of whatever the hell this thing is. I know it’s been a while, but hey-as Madame Leota says, So I’m returning to this…thing and rewatching one of my favorite Disney movies, which also happens to be my favorite Disney ride-the Haunted Mansion. There are many reasons I’ve always had a soft spot…

Finding Comfort in Discomfort

We lay there for a few moments, the only sound our breathing trying to level out. “That-that was a..a mistake.” I said slowly, the words feeling like a chore to pull together. He remained silent, his eyes trained on a spot on the ceiling. I glanced over at him, watched his chest rise and fall…

Swept Away vs Kept Astray

With regards to my previous relationships, I’ve realized my perspective has shifted. Instead of thinking about the fact that those things were over, and about whose fault it was, or why we didn’t work out, I’ve found myself thinking the same four words like a new mantra: At least it happened. Instead of being upset…

White Noise

We swayed slowly in time with the song playing in the background. I didn’t quite know where to look and kept glancing around at the other people who had also begun to dance under the soft, white glow from the Christmas lights winding up the tree trunks and out through their branches. “Why did you…