[Not So] Great Expectations.

Sometimes the answers we seek aren’t to help us, sometimes they’re to help others. We have to realize that in the grand scheme of things, our minute acts of seeming selfishness can actually evolve into our greatest acts of selflessness. Realizing this made it easier to put my feet on the floor, brush my teeth,…

New Year, New Book, Same Me.

“I’m not sure how to do…this.” After sitting in an utterly unbearable almost silence for five minutes, I finally decided to say something, just so I wouldn’t have to hear the “tick tick” of the plain black and white wall clock which hung somewhere to my left. The woman sitting to my right adjusted herself…

A Brave New World

This week’s installment of Untitled Disney Rewatch Project is brought to you by archery, haggis, bears and stunning visuals. That’s right-this post is dedicated to perhaps the most underrated Disney Princess movie-the stunningly beautifully animated Brave. The premise of the movie is kind of reminiscent of the second Princess Diaries movie-where the girl has to…

Memories of an Insomniac Nostalgic – Volume Two.

“Maybe if we just keep talking, keep sitting at this bar, with your hand on my knee and my hand on your arm-maybe then things wouldn’t end. Maybe we could keep going and moving forward and maybe-just maybe-we could be happy.” I said, my voice slightly cracking as I focused my gaze on his half…

The Human World…It’s (Still) a Mess.

Hello, thank you for coming to this week’s installment of Untitled Disney Rewatch Project. Again, if you have any possible name suggestions I am completely open to hear them out because obviously this one just isn’t catchy enough. As promised in an earlier post, it’s time we take a good hard look at the one…

Confessions of a Nostalgic Insomniac: Volume One

I am afraid to ask which woman I am, to be honest. I’m afraid more because I feel I may already know the answer. It’s a strange thing to feel-being so grateful something happened yet be overwhelmed thinking about how it’s a past tense when perhaps it shouldn’t be. For a long time, there were…

Chapter 1 (Part 1): Blank White Page

The best stories are those which aren’t necessarily epic in an outright way. Instead, they’re the ones which are ordinarily extraordinary. The ones which zero in on the everyday events in a person’s life and present them in a way which everyone can relate to. Love stories, tragedies, dramas and comedies can all be written…

…I Hope They Don’t See Right Through Me

Let’s get down to business to defeat-racism, the patriarchy and Covid-19. Based on the updated opening line, I’m sure you can tell which Disney movie we are exploring this week. If you guessed Mulan, you are correct. I remember this being one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid and Mulan being my favorite…


One would think it would be easy for people to connect with one another. After all, regardless of language, culture, appearance-we are all humans. The same species. It should be extremely simple to form a connection with one another. But no. It appears it’s easier for us to bond with a dog, cat, gerbil, water…