Turn and Face the Change

Or don’t-who am I to tell you how to live your life? I can barely tell myself. I’ve never really been a fan of change-I think a lot of people share that same point of view. I take comfort in my routine and often feel overwhelmed when there’s a change to it. However, when I…

It’s such a simple thing, really.

Beautiful, amazing, perfectly imperfect. All simple things are, in the end. The sound of the keys as words go from mind to page, the little pauses as storylines grow, tangle and unravel sentence by sentence. It’s love, it’s beauty, it’s simplicity. It’s mine, it’s yours, it’s ours.Falling in love with writing all over again is…

Jane Austen Ruined My Life, Part 3,457.

I used to think my life would be this grand, Austenian story, complete with the declaration of love in the rain and stolen glances. That I would be whisked off my feet by some dark, brooding gentleman who had a knack for the written word and a fancy for ballroom dancing. It became rapidly apparent…

Of All the Gin Joints…

Hello, and welcome to this week’s installment of “Untitled Anxiety-Induced Writing Project”, where I go through the American Institute of Film’s 2008 “100 Years…100 Films” list and write a little about the movie, how it relates to life, provide a few interesting facts about said film, and, most importantly, weave in a few applicable reaction…

Take the Cannoli.

The latest installment of “Untitled Anxiety-Induced Writing Project”, where I analyze the number two film on the AFI 2008 “100 Years…100 movies” list-The Godfather.

Well Hooray for the Bulldog

Hello, and welcome to the inaugural installment of Untitled Anxiety-Induced Writing Project, where I tackle the AFI 100 Years…100 Films List and do a little writing about the film, my perspective on it, and of course include a few reaction gifs. Kicking off this new adventure is the number one ranked film on the list-Citizen…

Distraction project for the day:

Which quote catches your eye the most? I would love to see what everyone’s thoughts are in the comments below (on the quotes or really anything-I am in major need of distractions for a bit). Each of these projects is close to my heart; like me, they’re all works in progress. “The Space Between” and…

Now, my perfect Sunday would begin with…

Side note, that wine is the St. Regis nonalcoholic Cab and I 10000/10 recommend. ^for not setting off the smoke detector for not one, but TWO meals. Not sure really where I was going with this thread. Because-